Friday, June 17, 2005

My First Meme...

If you have no idea what a Meme is, fret not! I didn't know what it is either until Minishorts passed the Meme baton to me.

Before I go Meme'ing, here's a short conversation between Minishorts and myself that will pretty much explain what a meme is all about:

minishorts :: don't read says: u owe me a meme
minishorts :: don't read says: not yet completed
Dzeisen: says: eh... i read your blog la... but i'm confused... what is a meme?
minishorts :: don't read says: that means
Dzeisen: says: everyone is meme'ing... what is that?
minishorts :: don't read says: blog culture
minishorts :: don't read says: its something that is passed one
minishorts :: don't read says: like a baton i pass to you, you take it, and then you pass it on, in the same manner

So, here you go!

Total volume of music files on my computer:
1.52GB only... my previous hard disk that crashed had about 20GB of songs... =( So, I have to start recollecting all the music files again.

The last CD I bought or downloaded:
The last CD I bought, well, that was some 4 years ago. I bought "The Best of Olivia Newton John" from Hong Kong and it was stolen from my car along with my car CD player.

Song playing right now:
I'm not really playing any song right now (working) but I were to, I'd have played "I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith. Yeah, it's an old song but at this moment while my girl is away, this is the only thing I want to listen to. Maybe not the only song... I'd also listen to Akon's "Mr Lonely" as well. Oh dear, this is getting too sentimental.

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
1) Mr Lonely - Akon
2) Angels Brought Me Here - Guy Sebastian
3) Perhaps Love - John Denver
4) Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen
5) This Song - Elton John

I hereby pass the baton to:
No one... I'm not in the scene long enough to know anyone to pass the baton to but hey, if you want me to pass a baton on to you, just leave me a message! How about that? =D Cool?! Haha...


Anonymous said...

and a meme is different from SPAM and chain mail... ? they're all annoying if you ask me.

Dzeisen said...

Haha... now that you mention, it does sound like a chain mail =D Didn't see it that way before but heck, at least it's on my own blog and I'm writing something true about myself. Unlike chain mail, I do not infest other people's mailbox with junks and things that are not related to me or them!