Thursday, August 11, 2005

Haze is Killing me softly!!!

It has gotten worse today! The Indonesians are making me f*cking pissed now! No, I'm not in the right mood to be "understanding" and "considerate". Even my whole office smells like we're in an incinerator. All the Indonesian minister can say is "I am sorry"? Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and breathe the air along together with us? You dumbass minister! Don't just sit there and apologize you dumbass! Just clear this bloody catastrophe!

The haze is killing me! Posted by Picasa

Look how Bad it is - to our HEALTH! Posted by Picasa

I have Indonesian friends as well and I don't blame Indonesians as a whole... but the culprits are ruthless murderers for claiming the forest as well as the health of thousands and thousands of people. I despise you and I hope you burn to death in the own fire you set out.


J said...

I've never seen haze as bad as this.
Can Malaysia take legal action towards Indonesia?

Dzeisen said...

I think we CAN and we SHOULD take legal action against Indonesia. The haze is affecting our health, our economy and our mobility.

Anonymous said...

lol,i really hate indonesia and i hope the haze dun come again.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

That's haze. It looks like thick fog. That's scary.