Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Love is in every sLOVEnian heart

I can't believe it! Marjana Frantar wrote an email to me!! Now, Marjana, a Slovenian, was one of my group members in our traineeship in Poland 2 years ago. The other was Sylvia from Hong Kong. We were a pack back then. Her email brought back lots of good memories and I just thought I'd like to share her email with you... and you can see why I am so excited!! =D

"Ni hau Jason,

It's been long, so long, too long since we .... You know I came from Beijing one month ago, can you belive it, I manage to go visit Nicole, good for me. Your e-meil about your visit in China really inspired me, I love chinese culture, people, food, but I really hate the wind and the cold. so my friend, how are you, allready married, do you have any special Paula in your life, there is no Rokin mine, but who cares, my time will come, I can feel it

You know I'm planing my next travel in Malesia, my really good friend would like to go in Asia this summer and I might join him, it's not for sure yet, but it's possible. So what are your plans for this summer, is there any chance that we meet if I came, Iwould like to spend one or two days with your company. We are planning to go in Asia from 5th of July till 10th of August. Do you think this is a good time to visit Malesia. Please let me know, what do you think about my visit. Smile and stay beautiful.


She's coming to Malaysia!!!! (hopefully)... Marjana... please come and I will host you and your friend. This I pledge to all the 27 trainee-friends who was in the 2nd PEACE Project in Poland.

This picture was taken while we were in Krakow, Poland. Posted by Hello

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